
Announcement of the start of the Fall New Introduction Campaign

Japan Branch Representative

I would like to extend an early autumn greeting to all DAO members!

Although the weather is gradually getting cooler, SUZUVERSE warmly welcomes you with a hot campaign.

This campaign is specially designed around introducing new users.


■ Campaign Overview:

Period: Until September 30, 2023

■ Target: All SUZUVERSE DAO members


Benefit 1: Bonus Energy from referrals: Bonus energy from referrals

If the referred new registrant purchases LV1 or higher, both the referrer and the referred new registrant will receive an additional 10,000e Bonus Energy.

  • Your account will receive ✕ 10,000e for each new registrant you refer who makes a LV1 (or higher) purchase in September.
  • It is also valid if you refer a new registrant who purchased LV0.1 and that new registrant purchases LV1 or higher during September.


Benefit 2: SOT multiplier rewards:.

Depending on the "volume" of LV1 or higher referred, the SOT grant multiplier will increase by an amount equal to the Direct Affiliate Commission equivalent.

  • The first through tenth SOTs are doubled.
  • The 11th through 20th SOTs are tripled.
  • After the 21st SOT, the SOT is multiplied by 4.


If 5 referrals are made:

  • The first through fifth SOTs are doubled.

If 15 referrals are made:

  • The first through tenth SOTs are doubled.
  • The 11th through 15th SOTs are tripled.

If 25 referrals are made:

  • The first through tenth SOTs are doubled.
  • The 11th through 20th SOTs are tripled.
  • The 21st through 25th SOTs are 4x.


Notes:.:The SOT will not be increased in this campaign.

In this campaign, the SOT increase will apply to Direct Affiliate Commissions only. The SOT increase will not be applied to other Affiliate Commissions.


For more information, please visit this page


If you would like to make a referral but are having trouble, please read here.

If you have any questions, please contact our customer support.

Don't miss this opportunity and spend a wonderful fall with SUZUVERSE!

For inquiries, please contact
SUZUVERSE Customer Support Department