
[SUZUVERSE] New version 2.2.11 is released.

Dear DAO Members

We are pleased to announce a new version of the Suzuverse2.2.11is pleased to announce the release of a new version of CheerCast. With this update, CheerCast's new feature, "Emotion FilterPlease update your application within 2-3 days.

Now you can express yourself like never before during a call with your CheerCast companion. With the Emotion Filter, you can

  • Fun and creative emotional expression with one tap

  • Changes to dynamic expressions during a call

For detailed instructions, please see the guide. :.  How do I use the Emotion Filter feature in CheerCast?

This feature is perfect for adding creativity, fun, and personality to your CheerCast experience. Experience this unique feature now! Stay tuned for more updates in the future.

Thank you for your continued support of SUZUVERSE.

For inquiries, please contact

SUZUVERSE Customer Support Department