⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTICE: Warning regarding inappropriate solicitation in the name of SUZUVERSE
Thank you for visiting SUZUVERSE.
We have recently received reports that there are individuals who are abusing their position as SUZUVERSE Affiliate or claiming to be SUZUVERSE Affiliate and soliciting for network business or outside services under the guise of "you need to study crypto assets to use SUZUVERSE". We have received a report that there are persons who are soliciting for network businesses and outside services under the name of "SUZUVERSE Affiliate" or "SUZUVERSE Affiliate.
Misuse of position is contrary to SUZUVERSE's operating policies and policies and may cause misunderstanding and disadvantage to all involved.
Also, the act of soliciting someone by using his/her name even though he/she is not a SUZUVERSE affiliate is a clear act of fraud.
*There is no need to join a crypto asset study group or network business to use SUZUVERSE.
*Solicitation for network business or outside services is prohibited by our terms and conditions.
If malicious solicitation causes damage to users or the Company, the Company will consider legal action, including criminal prosecution and claims for damages.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Thank you for your continued support of SUZUVERSE.