Important】Please be careful of fraudulent impersonations of our company.
Since June 2024, we have confirmed several cases of solicitation by misusing the name of our company "SUZUVERSE" and giving false information such as "a large sum of cash as a gift".
We do not offer campaigns that give away cash. We have no plans to do so in the future.
Characteristics of such solicitations
- Contact from an account posing as an official LINE:. You may receive suspicious messages, such as DMs or invitations to join groups, from accounts different from the official LINE.
- Request personal information:. They may try to ask for personal information such as bank account information, credit card information, etc.
Customer Requests
- Please check our official website and SNS accounts frequently for information.
- If you see any suspicious information, please alert people around you.
We would like to ask everyone to please exercise caution.
For inquiries, please contact
AI AVATAR Customer Support Department