
2022년 12월 9일 SOT 런칭 안내

6th Dec 2022


68 CIRCULAR ROAD #02-01, SINGAPORE (049422)

잭 트란(Jack Tran) CEO

Dear customers,


SOT 기능이 2022년 12월 12일에 출시될 예정임을 알려드리게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다.

About the details of the SOT function, please help check our Whitepaper here.

We will send a notification on the detailed SOT each users received via email as soon as we can.


We are also working on other features and will send notification to users when they are scheduled to be released.


Thank you so much for your great support!


문의사항은 다음 연락처로 연락주시기 바랍니다.

SUZUWALK Customer Support Department
