
[SUZUVERSE] Aviso do SGT da SUZUVERSE listado no CoinMarketCap e no BitMart

68 circlar road #02-01, singapura (049422)
Jack Tran como Diretor Executivo


Dear valued customers,

A SUZUVERSE tem o prazer de anunciar que o token de governança do nosso DAO, SGT, está agora listado em duas grandes plataformas de criptomoeda, CoinMarketCap (CMC) e a bolsa BitMart . Este é um marco importante para o nosso projeto e estamos orgulhosos de fazer parte do ecossistema CMC e Bitmart.

SGT is now available for tracking on CMC, the most widely used cryptocurrency market data platform in the world. You can visit our SGT page on CMC using the following link:  

Furthermore, we are thrilled to announce that SGT will be available for trading on BitMart from May 4th, 2023. The official trading launch is scheduled like below:

  • SGT deposit will open on May 2nd, 2023, at 11:00 PM JST
  • SGT trading on May 4th, 2023, at 11:00 PM JST
  • SGT withdrawal will be available from May 5th, 2023, at 11:00 PM JST

You can find more information of  BitMart at this link:

We are excited about these new opportunities to reach a wider audience of investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. We hope that these new listings will help to increase visibility and liquidity for SGT, as well as promote our mission to bring innovative blockchain solutions to the world. 

We look forward to continuing our journey with you.

Thank you for choosing SUZUVERSE/SUZUWALK.

Com os melhores cumprimentos.



Para mais informações, contactar
Departamento de Apoio ao Cliente SUZUVERSE