2 月.16.2023

關於 "suzuwalk" 1.1.1 版發佈的通知。

68 CIRCLAR ROAD #02-01, SINGAPORE (049422)
Jack Tran 擔任首席執行官


Dear customer,

我們想通知您,我們的新版本 1.1.1 已在 App Store 和 Google Play 上架,適用於 IOS 和 Android。

Here are the improvements of the new version 1.1.1:

  • Update the dog detail screen
  • Update the flow to get dogs
  • Some bug fixes

Please help access the App Store or Google Play to update the new version and enjoy walking as normal.

Note: Please kindly be notified that we will be off from Dec 31, 2022 - Jan 2, 2023 for New Year Holiday. We will come back to work on Jan 3, all inquiries will be supported from Jan 3.

Thank you for your great support!


SUZUWALK Customer Support Department